Lately we have received a lot of support questions regarding the Android version. Unfortunately the Android app with the same name “My Budget Book” does not belong to us.
On our homepage and are currently only iOS-Apps listed. In the Google Play Store there is a comparable app “My Budget Book", which is similar to the iOS version. Further information can be obtained under the following address. It is even possible to transfer the data to the other system.
To import files from Android to iOS, please carry out the following steps:
Through this process all bookings will be read in. Some information will unfortunately get lost (regular orders, submittals, unused categories, methods of payment, persons and groups).
If the CVS-File cannot be read in, we are looking forward to you supplying us with a sample file to include the reading in of this file in our next update.
Since the iOS-Version uses the Apple-Encoding, one can unfortunately not read in the Android-Version’s backup file.
The OneTwoApps-Team
Christian Drapatz
Kämpenstrasse 42
45147 Essen (Germany)
Mobil: +49 (0)171 7849462
(No Support)
E-Mail: support(at)
E-Mail: support(at)