FEEDBACK & Support

© drubig-photo -
© drubig-photo -

There is a lot of information about this program and the team behind OneTwoApps in the settings of the app. So we recommend that you check the following items regularly:

  • Update information in the AppStore
  • Current bug list (Homepage)
  • Frequently asked questions (Homepage)
  • Roadmap (Homepage)
  • Instructions (Homepage)

We would be pleased if you would take up this app positively, remain loyal to us and give us real reviews in the AppStore. The further development and maintenance of the app can only be ensured if we can count on the feedback of our clients. Each feedback about if and how the update has improved the app or solved your problem is very important to us.


In case you have problems with the app and still can't find a solution, please email us at Please don't forget to mention the iOS version, the device and the app version.


It would be even more simple if you could send us a report about the app. To do that, go to the settings and tap “help“ at the top of the navigation bar and then on “feedback“ (or at the bottom “app“ → “feedback“). This will automatically give us more information about your device and the current iOS and App versions.